The Last Witch Hunter

The Not So Typical Witch Hunter

The Last Witch Hunter is one of the first kind of movie like it, but it won’t be the last. The movie was made in 2015, and is a dark fantasy, action film, which seeks to gain viewers with its star studded cast. The movie casts consists of Vin Diesel, Elijah Wood, Rose Leslie, Julie Engelbrecht, and Olafur Darri Olfasson. Vin Diesel also helped produce this movie with Mark Canton and Berie Goldmann.


The movie starts off 800 years ago where a witch queen was unleashing a black plaque on the world. A group of knights began fighting the witch and her henchmen, the group included an individual by the name of Klauder. The Klauder family was killed in the plaque that was created by the witch queen, and he looks to seek revenge on her. As the battle between the witch and her henchmen and knights rages on, Klauder manages to make it to the queen and kill her. Before the witch queen dies, she curses him with eternal life, so Klauder now has to live forever, eternally alone.

Now in present day Klauder is continuing on his journey of witch hunting, when he comes across a witch that killed one of his close friends, a Dolan who was appointed to him. The witch hunter belongs to a group called the Order of the Axe and Cross. This group looks to keep the peace between humans and witches, hence the reasoning for the witch hunter hunting down evil witches. The witch hunter, Klauder is appointed with a new Dolan since his last one died thanks to the evil witches. By trying to track down this evil witch Klauder comes across some dark magic that he hasn’t seen since he last killed the witch queen.

Using the clues that Klauder has found it leads him to a witch bar where he takes a memory potion to help him remember how he almost died, and important details that will help him catch who all is behind the killing of the Dolan. Now during the time he is at the bar remembering this, Klauder is attacked by one of the witches that is behind the Dolan killing. The evil witch turns out to be a man by the name of Baltasar Ketola, and escapes Klauder. Unfortunately this witch destroys all of Chloe’s potions and all the materials needed to create a memory potion. Baltasar also known as Beilal, follows the owner of the witch bar Chloe to her apartment, and tries to kill her, this is where Klauder comes back to save her, which thankfully he does.

Since Klauder needs another memory potion to figure out what happened back when he faced the witch queen, he has Chloe help him create another one. So the new Dolan appointed to Klauder, Klauder, and Chloe the bar owner, go on a mission to find the materials needed to create another memory potion. Thankfully they find the required material they make the potion for Klauder and send him back into his dream. This is where he figures out the secret that he needed to help him crack the case. This is the point where he finds out that someone spared the witch queen’s heart, and has kept it hidden since. Now someone is looking to bring the witch queen back to life and unleash the black plaque back on Earth.

At this point Klauder discovers who it is, and the select individual also manages to open the doors to the witch prison and set all the other bad witches free. Finally the witch queen is regenerated thanks to Beilal and this mysterious individual. Klauder has to now face the queen, but before he can do that he must fight Beilal. This time Klauder kills him and has to face the witch queen alone, not with another help from the other knights. A battle between the witch queen and Klauder the witch hunter is about to begin, but here is where we find out who helped Beilal, it was the new Dolan appointed to Klauder.

The battle between Klauder and the witch queen happens, and this is where the witch takes back Klauder immortality. Ultimately Klauder kills the witch queen, and all her followers, thanks to little help from Chloe. Klauder pierces the witch queen in the heart with his sword and burns her to ash with fire. Now as Klauder is about to destroy the witches heart, viewers understand that is the witch’s heart is destroyed Klauder dies with it. This is where Chloe stops him, persuading him that there are other darker things in this world. In response to this Klauder does not destroy the heart, and keeps it in his own weapon stash. Klauder also forms a new group outside the Order of the Axe and Cross with Chloe and the Dolan, who was appointed to him. The Dolan understands his wrong doing and pledges his allegiance to Klauder, and will help him fight future witches.


Overall, this movie deserves an A rating thanks to its amazing special effects and fairly good script. I personally wish they came out with a second one, because of how good the first one was. Every second of this movie is filled with action, and if you pay attention to the details, it will make the movie even more interesting and magical. This has become another Vin Diesel classic in my eyes, hence the rating of an A. As I watch this movie I see all the phenomenal special effects, and I hope you will watch it to enjoy these amazing special effects as well!!

Top Vin Diesel Movies

  1. Fast and Furious Series
  2. XXX 1 & 3 (Return of Xander Cage)
  3. Guardians of the Galaxy (Groot)
  4. The Last Witch Hunter
  5. Riddick series
  6. Saving Private Ryan (Private Adrian Caparzo)
  7. The Pacifier
  8. The Iron Giant
  9. Find Me Guilty
  10. A Man Apart

The Fate of the Furious

The Soap Opera Blockbuster

This movie is the eighth installment in the Fast and Furious series, and the best one yet. Unfortunately the movie itself doesn’t feature two major stars. These stars are Paul Walker, who was killed in a car crash, and Jordan Brewster. The movie does still have a star studded cast: Vin Diesel, Dwayne Johnson, Jason Statham, Michelle Rodriguez, Tyrese Gibson, Chris “Ludacris” Bridges, and many more. It begins with Dominic Toretto and Letty Ortiz as they are trying to settle down in Cuba after their wedding.


The movie starts off with Dominic and Letty enjoying their honeymoon in Cuba, when Dom finds out that his cousin is in trouble with a local racer. This isn’t serious trouble, but this cousin owes the select racer money and he can’t afford it. So Dominic’s response is to race him for his car to settle the argument, which he does, and ends up winning. After winning he gives the car to his cousin. The problem is solved at least for now. As Dominic and Letty are enjoying Cuba, Dom runs into a major criminal, in this case a cyberterrorist, by the name of Cipher. She forces him into working for her, because she’s holding someone hostage that he truly cares about. This hostage is his ex girlfriend and his child that he had with her.

So with Dom working for her, Cipher has Dom double cross his team, and steal the EMP (electromagnetic plus) for her from and military outpost in Berlin. Dom’s team and one of their former enemies band together to create a team headed by Mr. Nobody and his assistant. The team beings tracking Dom, and this leads them to New York. Dominic is in New York by orders of Cipher to steal a nuclear football from the Russian minister of defense. The team catches Dominic after he has the nuclear football in hand, and still manages to get away with his phenomenal driving skills. When Dominic returns to give the nuclear football to Cipher, she rep-remands him for his actions by not letting her team kill some members of Dom’s old team. What she does is kill Dominic’s ex girlfriend, who he fell in love with a couple movies ago.

With Cipher’s plan almost complete, she has Dom infiltrate a military base and emit the EMP, to disable all the electrons in the surrounding area. What this does is allow Cipher to hijack a nuclear submarine, and to try and trigger an entire nuclear war. With Cipher now having control of the submarine she plans to take it out into open water, but in response Dom has other plans for her submarine. Dominic manages to stop the submarine by averting the missiles that Cipher had fired from it, and managed to kill most of Cipher’s team in the process. With Dominic now back on the good side, he meets back up with his team as they take Cipher down fully.

The end is too good to spoil so I’ll let you watch that for yourself and tell me what you think!!


Overall this movie, and all the actors in it deserve an A. This movie was very close to perfect in my opinion, and there isn’t a single thing that I would change about it. This movie is the soap opera of all action movies as the leader of the team, or favorite good guy turns bad, and thats what makes this movie so perfect! I look forward to watching this movie every time I put it on, and I hope you do as well!!

How to watch the Fast & Furious Movies

(Here is the order you should watch the movies in, if you have never seen the Fast & Furious movie series before.)

  1. The Fast and the Furious (2001)
  2. 2 Fast 2 Furious (2003)
  3. Fast & Furious (2009)
  4. Fast Five (2011)
  5. Fast and Furious 6 (2013)
  6. The Fast and Furious: Tokyo Drift (2006)
  7. Furious 7 (2015)
  8. The Fate of the Furious (2018)

Mile 22

A Mark Wahlberg Classic!!

Near the end of 2018, a movie was produced like no other; this Movie is called Mile 22. The movie was released on August 17, 2018 and since then its been getting mixed reviews, but this review will help all you movie watchers decide for yourself. The movie itself has a huge star studded cast consisting of Mark Wahlberg, John Malkovich, Lauren Cohan, Rhonda Rousey, and even Iko Uwais. Iko has such a great camera presence, and is unpredictable in action sequences, he just makes this movie incredibly better. It was produced by Peter Berg and written by Lea Carpenter, Berg is known for directing a lot of Wahlberg’s hit films such as Patriot’s Day and Lone Survivor, which are classics as well.

The movie starts off by introducing us to the main character played by Wahlberg, James Silva. Silva is a former CIA agent, as well as a U.S. Marine War vet, with a serious anger management problem. Further along in the movie, Silva is in charge of a Special Ops team called Overwatch, which is tested when they are forced to fight a family of Russian spies in one of the safe houses the team is raiding. During the raid some members of the team are hurt, but the Overwatch team manages to complete their mission. Unfortunately there are some Russian casualties that will haunt them later on during the film.

After the Russian safe house raid is complete, Silva and his team are put in charge of a new mission, and this mission is about locating and destroying a large shipment of caesium. This caesium delivery needs to be captured and destroyed before it can be weaponized in the movie. Under the supervision of their boss, who is played by John Malkovich, the team is to find the caesium and destroy it, but they unfortunately don’t know where to start. Next, in comes Iko’s character, Li Noor. Noor drives to the U.S. embassy in the country of Indocarr, which is where the team is stationed in to give himself up, and hopefully make it out of the country safely. The exchange is that if he gives the team the actual location of the caesium, he gets to leave the country of Indocarr safely and go to the United States.

Throughout the movie there are multiple battles regarding the capture and containment of the individual Li Noor. During the constant battles between Silva’s Overwatch team and the gang created by Axel, who is the right hand man to the ambassador who demanded the release Noor, there were multiple casualties. These casualties were on both sides, but Silva’s team is very depleted as they near the end of their mission. The team has to get Noor to an air strip but to get him there, they almost lose their entire team to attacks by Axel’s gang, who still demands Noor’s release to them. Luckily the team calls in some back up help and manage to get Noor to an airstrip and on the plane, and in return he gives them the location to the caesium. What they don’t know is that he’s an actual spy in connection to the Russian government and was sent to help kill individuals in the Overwatch operation.

This movie has a bunch of twists and turns and always had me guessing who was on who’s side. Personally, I love that about a movie and I hope you do too. I would rate this film with an A-, it hit all the marks that I was looking for. I just wish that it closed but a few more loose ends at the end of the movie, which it failed to do.

Colin’s favorite Mark Wahlberg Movies

  1. Mile 22
  2. Patriot’s Day
  3. Lone Survivor
  4. Daddy’s Home 1 & 2
  5. Ted 1 & 2

A Quiet Place

No One Talk, Everyone Quiet!!

In 2018, a movie was released where the characters only speak 90 lines worth of spoken dialogue. This movie is the only movie like this on the market now. It stars Emily Blunt and John Krasinki, these two characters make this movie the phenomenal piece of art that it is. The movie itself grossed over 340 million dollars and critics have praised the movie for its originality and scene production.

This movie starts three months into the year 2020, where most of the human and animal population have been wiped out by horrific creatures that have taken over the world. These creatures are super sensitive to hearing, throughout the movie you also find out that they are almost indestructible. The creatures attack anything that they hear a noise from, this is also why the child from the family dies in the beginning as he is making noise with a toy.

The movie revolves around the Abbott family, the wife named Evelyn, and the father named Lee. The deaf daughter is named Regan, and the two boys are named Marcus and Beau. In the beginning Beau, unfortunately makes noise with a battery powered toy that he finds in a deserted town, and ends up dying by being eaten by one of these creatures. The movie goes on as the daughter Regan is still troubled by her brothers death, and the mother Evelyn deals with the early stages of pregnancy.

Later on in the movie, Evelyn is about to have the baby, and a diversion is needed to draw the hearing sensitive creatures away. The father Lee, creates this diversion by lighting off a bunch of fireworks and drawing the creatures away, as his wife gives birth. The entire family returns to the house as the creatures are drawn away by the sound. When the children do eventually arrive at the house though, a sound is made by one of them, and the creatures start to follow them. The father chooses to be the hero here and shouts to draw the creatures away, and in turn he sacrifices himself so his children can live. After all this happens there is a ton of commotion, and a screeching noise is created by the deaf girl placing her hearing aid near the broadcasting microphone that the family uses. This causes the creatures immense pain, as they are super sensitive to noises. The deaf girl saves the day, and now the family has created a weapon to use against these creatures, as they somewhat try to live their lives in peace.

Overall, this film deserves an A!! There are little things I would change about this movie though. For example, I would give more explanation in the beginning and the end. Like in the beginning, explain how these creatures are created or get here, or in the end , explain what the family decides to do with the new weapon that they have created how to help the human race.

Colin’s favorite John Krasinski Films

  1. A Quiet Place
  2. 13 Hours
  3. Monster University
  4. Aloha
  5. Jarhead

The Meg

The Man is back, but this time he’s headed to the deep darks of hell, just kidding he’s only going to the bottom of the ocean!!

Jason Statham is back at it again, but this time he is fighting a huge 70-foot-long shark. The Meg is a perfect shark week movie, or for any late night thriller. The sharks make this the best shark movie yet!! This movie is a home run action thriller that had me jumping out of my seat at every shark attack. Other stars in this movie include Li Bingbing, Rainn Wilson, and Ruby Rose, the sharks aren’t the only stars here!!

The movie starts off explaining how Jason’s character Jonas Taylor rescued scientists down at the bottom of the ocean, but will never go back there again. It transitions into the scene about how scientists are now trying to reach the bottom of the ocean again. These scientists eventually do reach the bottom, but what they encounter is a monster. This monster is a huge shark, which is called a megalodon, and that’s the reason why Jonas won’t go back down there ever again. Unfortunately, these scientist gets stuck down at the bottom of the ocean and have no one to rescue them. This is where Jonas comes in, the scientists have to contact him, and almost beg him to come and rescue their friends.

This movie shows some bloody scenes following the many rescues in this movie, but they all had me on the edge of my seat. What they ultimately discover is that there are two of these giant sharks. Unfortunately, they find this out when they thought they killed the other smaller shark, but the bigger megalodon swims up and attacks the smaller shark they just killed.

Overall this movie beats Jaws and is the best shark movie around now. The rating I would give this movie is in the B+ to A- range. This is because of the beginning and ending scene sequences, during the middle it could have been meatier and given more explanation, but the producers unfortunately did not. The producers should have explained the program the scientist were working with or more about the company they worked for and the projects they did. I would recommend all you movies watchers go watch this movie ASAP!!

Top Shark Movies Now

  1. The Meg
  2. Jaws
  3. The Shallows
  4. Jaws 2
  5. Sharknado
  6. Jaws 3